Clouds and Sea Oats

Oil, 16″ x 20″

Soft and impressionistic view of sand dunes and sea oats,

this painting was a delight to create.

The fluffy clouds make me feel like I’m at the beach!

Click here to purchase.

Beach Day 7

Oil, 18″ x 36″

A serene view of land, sea, and sky,

this oil painting provides a vista of calm.

Click here to purchase.

To see more artwork please visit

Late Afternoon Colors

Watercolor, approximately 6″x12″

So many colors are found in the sand and sky in the late afternoon

at the beach.

Sometimes the artist just pushes the color she sees a little bit,

and magic happens.

To purchase click here.

To see more artwork please visit

Mini Sea Oats

4″ x 6″ Oil, $25

This miniature oil painting says a lot within a small space.

The sun is shining in the southeast sky

making blue shadows in the dunes.

The farther dune is illuminated brightly.

To purchase click here.

To see more artwork please visit

Sand Dunes 2

6″x8″ Oil

In order to get from the rental beach house to the beach each day,

I must navigate a couple of mildly steep sand dunes.

As I plod up and down the soft loose ground,

keeping an eye out for Florida critters,

I marvel at the beautiful lit colors the sun gives

to simple sand.

To purchase click here.

To see more art please visit

Florida-Georgia Line

Oil, 6″x8″

This realistic seascape oil painting depicts a view of

Cumberland Island, GA,

from the vantage point of the northernmost part of

Fernandina Beach, FL.


To see more art please visit

Sea Oats at the Beach

12″ x 16″ Oil on Canvas

Sea Oats are cherished on Florida beaches, protected, and important

for the ecological balance.

Currently I’m working on a large commission featuring

sea oats

for a client in Florida.

I’m enjoying working up different compositions and color schemes.

If interested in this painting please contact me

To see more of my artwork please visit

Sand in my Shoes

11″ x 14″ Oil

That first glimpse of the ocean as one has

plodded through the sand dunes…aaaaahhhhh…

If you are interested in purchasing this painting

please contact me at

To see more of my artwork, please visit

Sea Oats 2

6″ x 6″ Oil

This scene could be anywhere

(well, maybe not Arizona)

and evokes summer vacation.


More artwork:

Sea Oats at Sunset

6″ x 6″ Oil

I’m loving painting on these 6″ x 6″ Ampersand panels.

Every day I’m excited to try a new scene on these

small, slippery canvas boards. I get new finishes and

am challenged to produce different textures.

In this one I wanted the sky to have soft edges

and the sea oats in the foreground to stand out with harder edges.

LMK if interested:

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