Divine Dance

24″ x 30″ x 1.5″ Oil

With an intense red background,

creation moves in beautiful colors

in a divine dance.

Click here to purchase.



Oil, 18″ x 24″

This angel painting was inspired by this past

Holy Week.

I wanted to create something beautiful,

something different,

something meaningful.

Click here to purchase.


Divine Dance

Oil, 20″ x 24″

Imagining the Divine Dance happening now in the Cosmos.

Click here to purchase.


Moonlit Tree

9″ x 12″ Oil, $50

“Moonlit Tree” evokes a Christmas tree

in a snowy countryside, lit by the sky’s full moon.

How did it get decorated? Who else knows it’s there?

Click here to purchase.

To see more artwork visit:


St. Bueno’s Church

11″ x 14″ Oil

St. Bueno’s Church in Wales

is the oldest Anglican church in England.

I haven’t been to Wales yet,

but it’s on my list.

If interested please LMK:

More art:


Mothers’ Day Flowers

12″ x 16″ Oil

Just finished today. My favorite flowers are peonies.

I started this one by roughly sketching in the main shapes,

painting in the darkest darks and lightest lights,

and then  finishing up showing light, shadow,

and color changes.

If interested in purchasing, please contact me:


More art at:



24″ x 30″ Oil and Gold Leaf

The colors of Catalonia definitely inspired

this painting as did the Basilica Familia Sagrada.

If interested in this piece, please contact me at


To see more of my artwork please visit
